OUGC Landing Page Plugin - Enhance User Experience Through Personalized Interactions

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Developed by OUGC, the Landing Page plugin adds powerful customization options to forum navigation. It allows creation of tailored pages for different user groups.

Group-Specific Pages
Admins can set up unique pages for new visitors, members or moderators based on conditions. For example, funnel new users to registration or members to the homepage.

Controlled Content Access
Private sections on pages can be accessible only to logged-in users, enabling sharing of exclusive alerts and info.

Active Notification Tools
Moderators display important announcements and changelogs to new visitors through an official landing page for a curated first impression.

Flexible Redirect Rules
Bypass redirection for certain scripts to avoid potential user experience disruptions in some cases.

Ongoing Support
Plugin developers actively maintain compatibility with updates to MyBB, PHP and server platforms through regular releases.

In conclusion, the OUGC Landing Page plugin delivers a user-centric approach for forums. It empowers admins to shape uniquely tailored interactions according to diverse audience needs. Personalization enhances member experience at every touchpoint.
